Training Requirements/Fees / Cancellations / Complaints


• Fully customised learning materials

• Experienced and professional trainer

• Students are given comprehensive feedback throughout their course


Skills and knowledge must be assessed in the context of the student’s work environment.

 In these courses, we use the following:

• knowledge assessment (theory short answer questions)

• practical assessment (demonstration and observation)

• Logbooks (where required)

Course Duration

Courses run for 1-5 days  (experience, competency and class size dependent) 

USI - Unique Student Identifier 

You will require a  USI Number  

A USI - Unique Student Identifier is a reference number that creates an online record of your training and qualifications attained in Australia.

If you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training, you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment.

If you require a USI or have lost your USI please click


Course Costs:

All courses will be priced on Application

Quotes will be given:

For any Training outside 80 km of the Hobart Area.

Which may include : Travel and Accommodation 

If learners presents for day one and do not complete course a Half payment will be charged.

If your company is part of the construction industry funding is available to 100% cover or offset the cost of all training.

Course Fee Outstanding Policy

All Taz Training works on a 14 Day invoicing period ( unless other agreed arrangements discussed) all invoices 7 days outside these term will be reissued with a 10% surcharge added

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made within the 24 hrs of the agreed/scheduled training date may incur a 50% surcharge

Cancellations made within the 7 day period can be, where possible, moved to the next suitable date or you may substitute another person who meets the course eligibility criteria in place of the original student.

If All Taz Training is unable to provide, has to postpone or cancel any scheduled training, a full refund of fees paid relating to the cancellation will be made or an alternative course date will be provided.

Complaints Policy

All Taz Training's clients and students are encouraged to make immediate comment on any areas of concern that they have or opportunities for improvement that they identify through their participation in training or assessment at All Taz Training. This may include appealing assessment decisions or processes involved in our services. The emphasis will always be on resolving any concerns to the satisfaction of the client/student.

The All Taz Training Complaints, Appeals and Opportunity for Improvement procedure is summarized below:

1. In the first instance, the client or student is encouraged to discuss the complaint, appeal or opportunity with the All Taz Training staff member involved in the matter. If the matter can not be resolved, then:

2. The client or student is requested to document the nature of the complaint, appeal or opportunity. The client or student will be encouraged to discuss the matter with a All Taz Training staff member who has not previously been involved in the matter. If the matter still can not be resolved, then:

3. An appropriate legal or independently impartial conciliation organisation will be invited to provide advice and to support a resolution. Examples of such organisations may include the RTO who offered the qualification or another RTO and/or the relevant Industry Skills Council.

Note: The cost of responding to complaints, appeals or opportunities, after Stage 2 in the process as above, shall be borne by All Taz Training and/or the client or student as determined by the independent organisation.